Zaragoza is Spain's fifth largest city with a gorgeous cathedral and small town vibes
Zaragoza Tips:
Zaragoza is small enough to see everything you want to see in 24 hours, don't plan on spending much more than that
The train station, Delicias, is open air so it is very hot or very cold depending on what the temperature is outside, be prepared
Adventures & Ales Top Zaragoza Recommendations:
Catedral del Salvador: The most amazing church I have ever seen (including the Vatican)
El Tubo neighborhood: Windy streets full of bars and restaurants bursting with locals and tourists alike
The Classic Tourist Spots in Zaragoza Actually Worth Visiting:
Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar: In the main square with the cathedral, you can't miss it!
Go to the Piedra Stone Bridge to see the Cathedral from another angle
Catedral del Salvador
Other Things To Do in Zaragoza:
Aljaferia Palace: Medieval Islamic palace, slightly outside the center of the city
Museo del Teatro de Caesaraugusta: An ancient Roman theater that makes you question what country you're really in