port wine

Porto, Portugal

Porto is a beautiful yet gritty city filled with colorful buildings and fantastic tile work. In my opinion it feels much more South American than European!

Porto Tips: 

  • This may be obvious but… drink port. Port wine is definitely an acquired taste, with the heavy alcohol taste really shocking you at first, but after a couple samples it'll taste smooth!

  • Make sure you explore the areas not centered around the river too. It's easy to just marvel at the river and the surrounding landscape, but there is lot to see in the rest of the city as well! However, Porto is a little sketchier than other European cities, so make sure you're careful, especially at night!

  • If you're a vegetarian (like me) : good luck. I've never struggled to eat somewhere as much as I did in Porto. If you see a menu that has food you can eat, jump on it! 

Adventures & Ales Top Porto Recommendations: 

  • Ramos Pinto: My top recommendation for port wineries (and trust me, I tried a lot)

The Classic Tourist Spots Actually Worth Visiting in Porto:

  • Take the tram to the Atlantic and hang out at the beach!

  • Calem: Another good, but touristy, port tour and tasting

Other Things to do in Porto:​

  • Burmester: Another solid port winery with a pretty interesting tour

  • Clergio's Tower: Climb up to overlook the city! [You have to pay, heads up]


  • Crystal Palace Gardens: Totally not worth your time and energy

  • Bom Sucesso Market: Hot, sweaty, not good food. Honestly a joke. Skip it.