Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Amsterdam is an adorable city exactly how you are currently picturing it: canals, tulips, bikes, and all things promiscuous (don't fret, it's still family friendly and extremely safe). 

Amsterdam Tips: 

  • You can walk everywhere which is really nice to save on transportation costs!

    • You could also rent a bike to be like super iconic Amsterdam, but see below--biking is very intense ​

  • BEWARE OF THE BIKES! There are 3 bikes for every one resident of the city. They do not mess around. Look 6 times before crossing the street to avoid being run down. Also, please stop looking at your phone while trying to cross the street. If you haven't learned that yet in life, you will when you end up eating pavement in Amsterdam. 

  • The weather is actually crazy. I grew up in Michigan where one day it's 32 and snowing and the next it's 65 and sunny, but this Amsterdam stuff was whack. Dress in layers, bring a rain coat, and be prepared for anything to occur within one singular hour. 

  • Bring yo cash money. Amsterdam is surprisingly expensive. 

  • Coffeeshops = weed shops. Totally casual and legal, but just a heads up there is not a latte in there

  • If you want to go crazy and do all things that are illegal most places but legal in Amsterdam, you can. And you can do so very safely. There is very little crime and a very high level of acceptance in the country. 

  • If you DON'T want to go crazy and do all the illegal things, you should still definitely go to Amsterdam. It is far more than just the Red Light District.   

Adventures & Ales Top Amsterdam Recommendations: 

  • The Jordaan Neighborhood: trendy neighborhood with tons of delicious restaurants and bars 

  • De Pijp Neighborhood: another cute neighborhood to wander around, it was quite packed around happy hour time!

    • Brouwery Troost​ is located in this neighborhood and has delicious beers! You can sit outside overlooking the square 

  • Bagels and Beans: ​I don't know about you, but I LOVE bagels. Europeans do not love bagels. But, don't fret, Bagels and Beans has delicious bagels and coffee to satisfy your cravings.

  • Museum of Dutch Resistance: a fantastic museum detailing the role of the Netherlands in the Holocaust

  • Brouwerij't IJ at the Ooj Windmill: 1) brewery 2) Dutch windmill. Hello, winning! 

  • Day trip to the Northern Sea! Zandvoort aan see is a quick train ride from Amsterdam. It's a classic beach town. You can hang out at the sea if the weather is nice, or just dip your toes and hop back on the train! 

    • I combined this with a day trip to Haarlem very easily!

  • Day trip to Haarlem: a small town outside of Amsterdam that is a perfect escape from the tourists of the big city. 

Brouwerij't IJ

Top Touristy Spots in Amsterdam Actually Worth Visiting: 

  • The New Europe Walking Tour was informative and worthwhile! They operate on tips only

  • Red Light District: you've gotta at least see it during the day time! 

  • Dam Square: the city’s classic main square

Other Things to do in Amsterdam:​

  • The Cheese Museum: calling this a museum is extremely generous. It is free cheese samples and a silly "exhibit" downstairs. But as I said, FREE CHEESE SAMPLES!

  • Anne Frank House: extremely historical. extremely touristy. The line can be multiple hours. You can buy tickets ahead of time online to shorten the wait but still expect to wait at least an hour outside 

  • Heineken Experience: very touristy, but very informative. I don't actually like Heineken but I still enjoyed this. You essentially get the history of the company and get some beers to go with it. The rooftop bar at the end is cool to overlook the city

  • Canal Tour: classic thing to do. If I had better weather it might be under a top recommendation, but I had a less than enjoyable time in the rain, cold, and wind on a boat. Keep in mind this was June when I was there, so again, prepare for anything. 

  • Vondelpark: beautiful, large park filled with locals. I spent two evenings drinking wine next to the pond. Beware! The ducks are very used to people and get extremely close to you